How Did We Get Here?; Continuation (Plus some thoughts on product description)


How Did We Get Here; Continuation (Plus some thoughts on product description)

In my previous posts I spoke a little about what made me start my own business from home. After doing so and networking with others online that have done the same I decided to ask some of them the same question; “How did you get your start?” I came across many answers. Some started their businesses after being laid off from a former position while others run their private businesses in tandem with their formal careers. I decided to share the story of a local business owner who works right here in the Tampa Bay Area!

Rana Wilson is an adjunct English professor at two schools in the Bay Area and is the proprietor and artist behind Definitive Designs handmade jewelry and accessories.

Miss Wilson holds a Masters degree with a concentration on the works of William Shakespeare (a woman after my own heart), but says she has been into arts and crafts since she was just a child.

“I’ve been a “crafter” my entire life and some of my earliest memories are of making things with my mom (and playing with her glue gun).  I began with gluing flowers onto things, making Christmas ornaments, moved into Cross-stitch and embroidery, picked up paper crafting, and finally, a few years ago, discovered beading.”

She now has a full inventory of beautiful and unique beaded jewelry pieces for sale on her shop on

The start of Definitive Designs seems to have developed from a little bit of serendipity,

“The business bloomed after a colleague literally bought the earrings I’d made right out of my ears, and then asked me to design several more pairs as gifts.  Prior to that, it was just something I did for fun.”

Her story truly stood out to me because it started with someone noticing and validating her talent.  Imagine someone being so taken with your work that they start naming prices before you even put the item up for sale. It has to feel pretty good!  When looking through Rana Wilson’s designs it is easy to see how her first customer was so taken with her jewelry. Each item is ornate and original. The quality and care she puts into her work is immediately visible.

What I love the most about Definitive Designs are the excellent product descriptions. The artist’s background in literature comes through in every line. I have found that an imaginative description of your product can be just as helpful in selling your product as a quality photograph. I wonder if some of you have found the same to be true. Sometimes I see products listed with full paragraphs of description and other times nothing at all. It has made me contemplate whether some online sellers feel it is necessary. I sure like a nice description of the meal selections on menus at restaurants and I try to provide a good description to go along with my inventory.

To check out Definitive Designs or Rana Wilson’s Blog follow the links listed below.


Artfire Shop:


Facebook Page:


Beautiful Death Earrings

Beautiful Death Earrings, my current favorite from Definitive Designs

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